With local record labels gaining ground in Charleston, it was only a matter of time before vinyl itself did as well. There's something to be said about small joys and habits associated with records. The smoother sound. There's more room for art. Splitting open just the top of the plastic, so the jacket remains unscathed--don't be like my father and write "D. Bowers" on the front of every record you own, especially not Michael Jackson, "Thriller." It's even almost fun having to remember to tread lightly on the floor around the player.
David Sedaris described the joy of a new record best when referencing his O.C.D. in his essay "Letting Go", "My room was clean and orderly, and if I'd had my way it would have smelled like an album jacket the moment you removed the plastic. That is to say, it would have smelled like anticipation."
Websites like United Record Pressing make self-production of an album easier for musicians. (They change specials monthly. This month they're offering completely recycled vinyls and jackets.) And the production of new albums make the old ones even cooler.
Jimbo's Rock Lounge in West Ashley is enriching the trend. DJ D-Rock has been spinning in Charleston for years. You may have seen him at Voodoo. He's now switched his cause to Jimbo's, the bar hidden by D.D. Peckers on Hwy. 17. Every Thursday night Jimbo's hosts Vinyl Night, where local DJs take to the tables with full creative liberty.
D-Rock says, "I'm just trying to get a better following. My set up makes guys really accessible, and that's what I want: real guys with their own collections coming out."
Two of the guys he's attracted are Dr. Fuzz and Matt Blaster. Dr. Fuzz plays vintage tracks from the 50s and 60s, obscure records he's found for sale. Matt Blaster slides from old school rap to Steely Dan.
There's definitely something everyone can dance to.
And to answer the question posed in the post title: Dr. Dre! Yes, I heard that joke at my first Vinyl Night experience, so you know it has to be a good time.